Wednesday, 17-Apr-2002 10:34:25 JST
At first,I shoud say that It's a very Good Restoreration and a Great Effort.Unfortunatery the orignal "Sakae"-engine is not good for Flight and R-1830 was mounted. So this cowling is larger than the orignal. But the other airframe and painting of innerside color is accurate.
I point out a bit below....
Zero-22 produced by only Mitsubish_Aircraft. And all `Made in Mitsubish Zeros` were painted like below. Defference between Mitsubish and Nakajima's is Dark Green line of Zero's tail body.
- Mitsubish's are a straight line.
- Nakagima's are curve line.
Defference between Mitsubish and Nakajima's Dark Green Zero-22 painting is like below.
"Ameiro"-Dark Green.
Gray-Dark Green.Left= MITSUBISH Right= NAKAJIMA
Mitsubish Zero-22 :A6M3
Thus it's Mistake is ....
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